Effective date: [[ January 1, 2022 ]]


Intimacy Choreographers are responsible for the consensual crafting and staging of stories with content of sexual nature or that leverages race, disability, religion, or age with appropriate cultural context and competency. They consult on scenes with otherwise loaded, heightened, or charged content that draws on the actor’s identity. 


A qualified intimacy choreographer has expertise in consent, boundary establishment, physical storytelling, and documentation procedures. An intimacy choreographer works in support of the production and supports the director’s vision while working within the boundaries of the actors. 

This role supports the production in physical and emotional engagements with these protected characteristics. ICOC qualified individuals have the following certifications and experience:

  • Mental Health and First Aid certification (3 years)
  • Anti-Sexual Harassment training
  • Bystander Intervention training
  • Course and training equivalent of The ICOC Approach
  • Cultural Bias training
  • Anti-Racism training
  • JEDI training 


Intimacy choreography does not, and cannot, exist in a vacuum. For an intimacy choreographer to be successful, a producing organization must actively support a culture of consent from season selection to casting, through production. That is not inherently the responsibility of the intimacy choreographer. As an additional responsibility, an intimacy choreographer may also be contracted to serve as a consent or policy consultant for an organization or production.


Intimacy Coordinators of Color can highly recommend the professionals on our list. They in no way pay ICOC for any connections to the industry or for mentorship. The individuals listed are not employed by ICOC, but we sure believe in what they provide to the industry.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about this [[ ICOC DEFINITIONS & DISCLAIMERS ]], please contact us: